Data Science for Beginners - A Curriculum by MICROSOFT A project-based data science curriculum for beginners with great lessons, notes, and assignments. 10 weeks, 20 lessons, using Python . Click Here to join.
Common Machine Learning Cheat sheet 1 - Supervised Learning - Click here 2- Unsupervised Learning - Click Here 3- Deep Learning - Click Here 4- Machine Learning Tips and Tricks - Click Here 5- Probabilities and Statistics - Click Here 6- Comprehensive Stanford Master Cheat Sheet - Click Here 7- Linear Algebra and Calculus - Click Here 8- Data Science Cheat Sheet - Click Here 9- Keras Cheat Sheet - Click Here 10- Deep Learning with Keras Cheat Sheet - Click Here 11- Visual Guide to Neural Network Infrastructures - Click Here 12- Skikit-Learn Python Cheat Sheet - Click Here 13- Scikit-learn Cheat Sheet: Choosing the Right Estimator - Click Here 14- Tensorflow Cheat Sheet - Click Here 15- Machine Learning Test Cheat Sheet - Click Here
Find The Most Updated and Free Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Deep Learning, Mathematics, Python Programming Resources. Click Here to know more
Data Privacy Fundamentals This free Big Data course presents a holistic approach to Big Data, and answers fundamental questions about what Big Data is and why it matters. CLICK HERE to JOIN
Introduction to Data Science The art of uncovering the insights and trends in data has been around since ancient times. The ancient Egyptians used census data to increase efficiency in tax collection and they accurately predicted the flooding of the Nile river every year. Since then, people working in data science have carved out a unique and distinct field for the work they do, this field is data science. In this course, we will meet some data science practitioners and we will get an overview of what data science is today. CLICK HERE to JOIN