Want to keep a check on phone numbers registered against your Aadhaar number?

Want to keep a check on phone numbers registered against your Aadhaar number?

Did you know that Aadhaar cardholders can now check all the phone numbers registered against their Aadhaar numbers?

The Department of Telecommunication (DoT) has recently launched a portal which enables users to check all the phone numbers linked with their Aadhaar numbers. 

Currently, the portal has been made functional for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana consumers, but soon the services will be extended throughout the country.

The portal named the Telecom Analytics for Fraud Management and Consumer Protection (TAFCOP) was launched in April this year 2021.

Getting details about the contact numbers linked with Aadhaar can help subscribers to block any irrelevant numbers or contact numbers no longer in use. The registered contact details are used for several purposes, especially for the Know-Your-Customer (KYC) process required by banks and various government authorities, and because of this, users can easily become victims of fraud.

Steps to check phone numbers registered against the Aadhaar number:

Step 1: Visit the TAFCOP portal https://tafcop.dgtelecom.gov.in/ and enter your contact number.

Step 2: Now, click on the 'Request OTP' tab.

Step 3: To validate, enter the OTP number received.

Step 4: Then, all the numbers linked with your Aadhaar number will be displayed on the website. From these numbers, users can report and block the numbers not in use by themselves or are no longer required.

Point to note: As per the DoT guidelines, only nine mobile numbers are permitted to be associated with each subscriber. Once that count is exceeded, then that account is considered a bulk connection for commercial purposes by the department.


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